Leanne Renshaw

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  • General FAQ

    What is Dynamica? Who can use Dynamica? How do I register for Dynamica? What can be published in Dynamica? What are the benefits of using Dynamica? Does Dynamic cost anything for researchers to use...

  • Freely Searching for Articles in Dynamica

    On the search page you can view articles that have been published by researchers at universities that have implemented Dynamica. You do not need to login to read articles published with Dynamica. H...

  • Document Upload for Composing Manuscript

    This guide explains how to upload a document during the SciFree Process. It includes the following sections: Document upload Checking uploaded document Delete document Step-By-Step Document uploa...

  • Adding Authors

    This guide provides information on how to add and remove authors. As the corresponding author you can add authors so that can take part in the SciFree process by following the process. Adding autho...

  • Adding Affiliations and Funders to Manuscript

    This guide provides information on how to add Affiliations and Funders to Manuscripts. Note: To proceed in the SciFree process you must have an affiliation and a funder. The guide includes the foll...

  • Manuscript Submitting

    Manuscript Submitting is the final stage in composing a manuscript in the SciFree process. Here you will need to check that all information is correct and shows how you want it to, as the next stag...

  • Review Settings- Author

    Review Settings is where you add information to help call reviewers to the manuscript/content.  This guide provides information on the Review Settings page and includes the following sections: Re...

  • Review Results- Author

    On the Review Results page you are able to see all the reviews made for the different versions of your manuscript. In this guide it provides an overview of the review results as well as submitting...

  • What is the reviewing process? - Authors

    This guide provides an overview for Authors on the review process within Dynamica. Reviewing Process Overview What are the Reviewer States Who are the reviewers? What criteria and guidance do revi...

  • Author FAQ

    Who can publish? What can I publish? Why can't I see the template? Can you accept PDF submission? How to continue to compose an authored manuscript? Why can't I proceed to Manuscript Submitting? Ho...