Can you accept PDF submission?
How to continue to compose an authored manuscript?
Why can't I proceed to Manuscript Submitting?
What are the types of reviewers?
What type of peer-review is used?
How to check review progress of authored manuscript?
Can I upload revised versions of a manuscript?
When is an manuscript published?
How do I delete a SciFree Process?
What is the scope of Dynamica?
Are there any limitations to what can be published?
I have a question, who do I contact?
Who can publish?
This publishing tool is open to researchers at the Universities implementing Dynamica. During the pilot phase it is open to Stockholm University researchers.
Researchers from other universities are able to register as peer-reviewers within the tool.
What can I Publish?
In Dynamica you can publish a wide range of article types. There are no word limits and no restrictions as to what you can publish (subject to your University Guidelines). Examples include (but not limited to): Research articles, Reports, Book Chapters, Essay.
Why can't I see the template?
Before you can download a University template and work through the SciFree Process to get your work published you must have your University affiliation approved, for further information on adding affiliations see here.
Can you accept PDF submission?
You can upload a PDF generated from LaTeX. There might be issues where in the HTML, you may see the lines of the tables missing, we are improving on this. Please note that Dynamica is optimised for Word files, and Stockholm University's template is in Word. Should you use a PDF from LaTeX, please ensure you follow the template from SU.
How to continue to compose an authored manuscript?
To continue composing a manuscript you can do this via the Author Dashboard. You will need to hover over the right hand side of the manuscript row you want to continue composing then click on the vertical three dots to show actions. You will now need to click on Compose Manuscript.
Why can't I proceed to Manuscript Submitting?
To be able to proceed to the Manuscript Submitting page within the SciFree Process you must have a document uploaded as well as assigned affiliations AND funders.
How are reviewers assigned?
Reviewers are assigned by the authors during the Review Setting stage. There are two options available for calling a reviewer:
- Option 1. Authors can use the email process in the tool to call researchers they know who are knowledgeable in their field and will give a full review
- Option 2. Authors can also add the keywords of their content, and if there are researchers already on the tool with matching keywords, it will tell the author how many matching reviewers are found.
For further information see our guide on Review Settings.
What are the types of reviewers?
- General Reviewers will have access to the entire manuscript to read and assess.
- Technical Reviewers will only review the sections of the manuscript with the keywords that have matched with the technical reviewers keywords.
What type of peer-review is used?
Dynamica uses open peer-review. All versions of the peer-review are posted with the published document.
The peer-reviewers are either called automatically based on their previous experience in a field or asked by the authors themselves.
The tool will check the reviewers are not the same email address, or affiliated to the same universities.
The names of the peer-reviewers will be published with the content
What is the review process?
After the Author has requested/invited reviewers, the reviewers will receive a notification of the request. The reviewer can view the abstract and then need to accept to proceed with the review or decline within the time limit set by the Author's University. If the reviewer declines or has not accepted within the timeframe, it will proceed to the next reviewer.
Once the reviewer has accepted to review the manuscript. They will then review the manuscript utilising the inbuilt reviewing tool.
For further information see the following guides on review settings or how a manuscript is reviewed.
How to check review progress of authored manuscript?
To check the progress of a manuscript you will need go to the Author Dashboard. In this view you can then see the SciFree Process stage and Manuscript stage which will provide you with information on what is currently happening with the manuscript. You can also hover over the right hand side of manuscript row and click on the three vertical dots to show actions. You will now be shown a list of actions. Not all options will be available to use, these are grayed out based on the current stage of the manuscript within the SciFree process.
Can I upload revised versions of a manuscript?
When you receive a review decision that asks for changes to your results, you can upload a new version in your authoring dashboard. You can view all reviewer comments from all versions by right clicking on the manuscript and clicking on review results.
What license type is used?
All publications are assigned a CC-BY license and are freely open to the world to read, download and interact with.
When is an manuscript published?
A manuscript is automatically published once it has been accepted by the minimum criteria of reviewers. The minimum criteria of reviewers is set by the university and you will see the what the minimum number is when you in the review settings page when you are submitting.
How do I delete a SciFree Process?
You can only delete an authored manuscript before it is sent to review. Once deleted, you will be unable to reverse this. To delete the composing process you will first of all need to cancel the process within the author composing stage 'Template for Manuscript'. Once cancelled you will then be able to delete it via the Author Dashboard. Hover over the right hand side of the manuscript row, click on the three vertical dots then click delete. For a full step-by-step guide please see the Deleting authored manuscript section with the Author Dashboard guide.
What is the scope of Dynamica?
Please note, Dynamica is not a journal. The Universities who implement Dynamica can suggest the scope of types of publications. In the pilot it is all research content and data from all areas of knowledge; i.e. Philosophy to Physics.
Are there any limitations to what can be published?
There are no word limits, please read and understand your university guidelines to see limitations to publications.
I have a question, who do I contact?
If you have any other questions please get in touch at
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