The SciFree process for peer-review is an automation of various states a manuscript or content can be in during the process between the authors and the peer-reviewers.
Review(er) State | What it means | Who can change it |
Composing |
The manuscript/content has not yet been submitted for review. or The manuscript/content has been rejected or requires major revisions for resubmitting |
The author |
Waiting for reviewing to start | Waiting for authors to click on Start Review | The author |
Reviewing.WaitingforReviews | Waiting for reviewers to accept to review and review the manuscript, before it times out | The peer-reviewers |
Suggested | Content is suggested to a reviewer for them to accept or decline to review | The peer-reviewers |
InProgress | The content is under peer-review |
The peer-reviewers |
Published | The content has been accepted to be published by the minimum criteria of reviewers |
The University Admin |
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