The Manuscript Review page is where you are able to read the manuscript you are reviewing, provide comments and make decisions.
This guide provides an overview of the page and includes the following sections:
- Manuscript Review Page overview
- Comments on manuscript in general
- Review each section
- Reviewing decisions
Comments on manuscript in general
In the comments on manuscript in general text box you are able to provide overall comments for the manuscript you are reviewing.
Review each session
In addition to providing overall comments you can provide feedback on each section of the manuscript.
- Click on a section and read the text
- You can then write a comment within the Review Text box.
- Once you have made the comment and clicked out of the Review text box a checked box will automatically be marked in the list of sections. This will help you keep track as to which sections you have reviewed and which ones still need reviewing.
Note: you did not have to provide comments for all sections - To make changes to a section review comment, return back to the section and edit/ remove the text within the textbox. It will then automatically save your changes.
Reviewing decisions
Once you have made your comments you will then need to make a decision on the Manuscript. You have the following options available:
- Accept
- Minor Revisions
- Major Revisions
- Rejected
Seconday decisions
- Innovative
- Well written
For further explanations of the reviewing decision see the following guide
Note: To be able to select Accept or Minor Revision you must have checked Innovative and/or Well Written. If Checked for Plagiarism is appearing you must also check this.
After you have made your decision you will see a page similar to this
Note: Change Review-> You have circa 5 minutes such that if you made a mistake you can change your review.
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