Dynamica is a shortening branding form of the Dynamic Dissemination Platform.
In Oct 2022, Stockholm University will be the first to pilot this platform for their researchers. To understand why you can watch the video made by Stockholm University Library below:
This software enables universities to publish peer-reviewed papers under their name. The tool allows for publishing anything that needs to be peer-reviewed in all subject areas. All publications will have a standard creative license determined by the University or researcher. All publications are accessible to the public (free open access).
The process of going from the uploaded manuscript/content through peer-review to the published content is semi-automated and controlled by each role of author, reviewer, and University admin. This process is known as the SciFree Process.
SciFree upholds each University's code of conduct and ethics guidelines first and foremost. The author of the affiliated institutions controls and is responsible for what to publish. The University's implementation of this tool reduces researchers' workflow burden in open access and open science dissemination.
To learn about SciFree's baseline code of conduct and privacy policy you can find them within the tool or clicking on the links provided here.
Click here to learn more about how the tool came about and the vision we have set forth as a team.
If you need help at any time, don't hesitate to get in touch with us : support@scifree.se
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