Authoring is only available to researchers who are affiliated with universities that have implemented SciFree Dynamica. During the pilot with Stockholm University it is only open to Stockholm University researchers who have been invited to the platform to author works.
Before you can download a University template and work through the process to get your work published you must have your University affiliation approved.
This guide includes the following sections:
- How to add affiliations
- How to create a new manuscript
- How to upload a document
- How to add authors
- How to add affiliations and funders for the manuscript
- How to submit a manuscript
- How to manage review settings
Getting Started
- Start by logging into SciFree Dynamica on a laptop or desktop device.
Adding affiliations
- To add or edit your Affiliations you will need to click on the person icon on the Main Dashboard. Then click on either Show Profile, or Edit next to Affiliated to.
- You will now need to click on Edit affiliations.
- A modal window will pop up where you can search for your University and add them using the plus button
- If your University has departments loaded, please choose from the dropdown list.
- Click on OK and then save.
- Afterwards, the university will approve your affiliation. Once approved you will have access to all the templates and information needed for you to become an author.
Create new manuscript
- On the Authoring Dashboard click on New manuscript.
- If you are from Stockholm University and your affiliation was approved, you will see Stockholm University in the University dropdown and you will then be able to select a template to download from the Template dropdown.
- Download the template you require and start adding in your content by following the instructions.
- Please ensure you use the Word formatting->Header, Title, and so on for each section of your document as the template guides. Remember to remove the instruction texts before uploading.
- Once you have done this, head back to the Author Wizard on the SciFree Dynamica App and click on Read and accept the guidelines.
- These guidelines are important so please ensure you have understood what you have read and accept it before moving forward.
- Once you accept, click To Manuscript Upload.
Document upload
- Click on Upload document to locate the Word document you want to upload. Then watch it extract all the sections of the document, this might take a few seconds or minutes.
- Once the extraction is complete you will see your entire document in the tool. Check that this is how you want it to be presented once it is published. If it missed a section, just delete the document, edit the file in Word by formatting the header and re-upload. If everything is okay, move on to add authors.
- You are the corresponding author, but are free to add others. It isn’t compulsory to add every single author, but maybe some of them would like to follow the SciFree process.
- To do this click on Add an author and type in their email address. If they are already a registered researcher in SciFree, go ahead and add them. If they are not, you can tell the tool their name and email address and they will be invited to view the process with you.
- Next you will need to add your Affiliations for this manuscript and Funders.
Affiliations and funders for this manuscript
- Search and Add the affiliations you have for this work and then search for the funders. If your funder isn't listed, send us a message at and we will add it right away.
- You may now move onto the next step, Manuscript Submitting.
Manuscript submitting
- In Manuscript Submitting you will check that all the information you have provided is correct and that the manuscript looks exactly like you want it to. If you have images, read more here about how to ensure it is not pixelated.
- Now it's time to call some reviewers
- Note: once you have moved on to Review Settings you will be unable to return back to the Authoring Wizard
Review Settings
You are in control here, so add in the Research Fields the content is associated with, add more than one if you can.
Two ways to call reviewers.
Option 1. Since the tool is new there may not be many reviewers for your specific work. However you can call them right away. Click on Add a reviewer and enter their email address, preferably their work email address.
If they are already on SciFree, click on Add SciFree Researcher. If they are not, click on Invite Researcher to SciFree.
To help the process go faster, you can add in their First and Last name.
Option 2. You can also add the keywords of your content and if there are researchers already on the tool with matching keywords,it will tell you how many matching reviewers are found.
If you want to get more specific, you can select a section and add keywords for each section so that it only calls reviewers who want to review the technique. For example, if they can only spend a few minutes and they know the experimental procedure really well, they can review it for you and give you comments on that section right away or approve it. The more people that see your work the better, and the more technically sound each section is, the better the content is.
When you are all done, click on Start Review.
The reviewers that you invited or were matched with will be called and will have approx. 7 days to accept or decline reviewing the manuscript.
In this view, you will be able to see whether they have accepted or if it is still waiting. In about 6-7 days you will see that it has timed out and are more than welcome to call another reviewer.
When the manuscript has been reviewed all states will be showed to you in your authoring page.
If it is rejected the manuscript will come back to you as Composing, which allows you to view the comments and correct and send it back to the same reviewer.
If it is accepted it will automatically say published and all the versions of review will be shown, but only the latest version of the accepted document will be published.
If at any point you are confused and need help, please email us at
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