American Physical Society Interim Open Access Program - March 1, 2023 - June 30 2023
UK Interim Open Access Program
APS is pleased to announce an interim approach to support UK authors who wish to publish open access in the Physical Review journals while we work on a formal open access agreement for UK institutions via Jisc.
We understand the requirement for many researchers in the UK to publish open access and the challenges this mandate presents for some authors who wish to publish in the Physical Review journals.
APS has therefore enabled the automated open access workflow on its hybrid journals, for an interim period, for the majority of research institutions in the UK. This will allow eligible authors with articles accepted by Physical Review journals to be published open access at no cost to themselves. APS is optimistic that a formal agreement with Jisc will be reached by mid-year and will supersede this arrangement.
Hybrid journals
- Physical Review Letters (PRL)
- Physical Review A (PRA)
- Physical Review B (PRB)
- Physical Review C (PRC)
- Physical Review D (PRD)
- Physical Review E (PRE)
- Physical Review Applied (PRApplied)
- Physical Review Fluids (PRFluids)
- Physical Review Materials (PRMaterials)
Interim Period: March 1, 2023 - June 30 2023, inclusive of both dates
APS’s participation in SCOAP3 is fully considered and integrated into this agreement. Authors publishing their high-energy physics (HEP) research open access under SCOAP3 may continue to do so as usual. The purpose of this arrangement is to provide centrally funded open access publishing services for authors publishing non-HEP research, and as such it complements APS’ participation in SCOAP3.
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