The SciFree process is a series of automation developed by SciFree AB to reduce workflow pains in academia-led functions. The SciFree process is designed to help researchers have complete control of their publishing, reviewing and reading while maintaining integrity and transparency. Within the tool you are looking at now, Dynamica, these functions deal with submitting, peer-reviewing, publishing, sharing and reading manuscripts and all type of content for academia.
The SciFree process is here to support researchers and libraries in their workflows to meet the goals of 100% Open Access and Open Science.
The following are the processes within the tool with direct links to their guides. Click on each section to read more in-depth information.
- My Profile/CV
- Authoring
- Reviewing
- Suggested Reading (Beta)
- Searching
- University Management
- Funder management
- Long-term Digital Preservation
As always, please uphold your university or employer's code of conduct practices at all times.
If you require any help, please email us at
Getting Started with your SciFree Process.
To get the most out of Dynamica, use the web application on a laptop or desktop rather than a mobile or tablet device.
When you first log into the tool. Set up your profile by adding in your affiliations.
Your affiliations must be approved to get the proper templates to begin authoring and reviewing.
For free resources and help along your academic career, sign up for your members area content.
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